FÖRELÄSNING UPPSALA: Guy Standing / 28 maj

Varmt välkommen på föreläsning med Guy Standing i Uppsala, Ekonomikum, hörsal 4, kl 19.00, torsdag den 28 maj!

Föreläsningen kommer hållas på engelska och vi tar inträde 50 kr. Vi vill gärna vet hur många som kommer, så anmäl dig här: 

Guy Standing has been widely recognized for his ideas about the precariat, an emerging class of people facing lives of insecurity, moving in and out of meaningless jobs to survive. His ideas have been taken up by thinkers from Noam Chomsky to Zygmunt Bauman, by political activists, and by policy-makers all around the world.

Guy Standing is Professor of Economics at the University of London, Professor of Economic Security at the University of Bath, co-founder and co-president of Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN) and wasformerly Director of Socio-Economic Security in ILO. He is invited all around the world to speak about the precariat and basic income. Do not miss this opportunity to meet him in Uppsala!